A riddle whose answer we face almost every minute but never realize.

It’s the inner Chatter.

Psychologist Ethan Kross refers to this as “Chatter” which consists of negative thoughts and emotions that are cyclical and interfere with introspection. There’s a silent talk going on in our minds while we are performing a task as we are partially engaged while we allow thoughts to seep in, this is what differentiates the action from being in a flow state, most of these thoughts are allowed for problem-solving although when this voice starts to question and criticize in the guise of perfecting the task that’s where we find ourselves falling into the dark tunnel of thoughts.
They sure can be managed to an extent by making ourselves aware of the impact such thoughts actually have in our daily lives. Allowing your most non-judgmental self to take the reins that drive you towards the goal of well-being rather than a mirage of perfectionism that your inner critic builds on.
The intention is to Allow yourself to make mistakes, to try new things, to explore. The critic restricts and nothing new ever came out of restrictions….

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